Undergraduate Scholarship Funding

The Anadolu Scholarship Program

Supporting the education of economically underprivileged and academically talented students, the Anadolu Scholarship Program continues to be the primary focus of the university’s fundraising efforts.

The Program stands out as a unique model that creates funding opportunities for talented students from low-income families in Turkey. As an exemplary social responsibility initiative that gathers the university together with industry leaders for a valuable cause, the Program engages corporations as partners in addressing the importance of equal access to education in Turkey.

The primary objectives of the Program can be summarized as to;

  • Impact the lives of young talents in the developing provinces of Turkey by facilitating access to high-quality education.
  • Offer affordability and provide greater access to quality education for talented students from low-income families.
  • Raise public awareness about the importance of philanthropy & giving.
  • Foster geographic and cultural diversity on our campus.
  • Serve as a model for institutions and corporations by demonstrating successful partnerships towards expanding the frontiers of philanthropic giving in education.

Funds for Anadolu Scholarships are raised from outside donors and directly utilized for students’ to cover their tuition, accommodation and book expenses as well as their monthly stipend. The corporate donors supporting the Program are scattered across various business sectors. As of today, 84 corporate, 3 individual and 4 in-kind contributors have provided direct support to the Program. To date, the Program has raised more than 20 million USD including the cash received and pledges to be donated in the years ahead.

The record of support received to date for the Anadolu Scholarship Program reflects the generosity of a community of corporations and friends who demonstrated their belief in Koç University’s mission and in the impact of the Program’s philanthropic outreach.

The number of students benefitting from the Anadolu Scholarship Program has demonstrated a steady increase in the past years. In 2011, the Program began with 14 scholarships. In 2012, 2013 and 2014, 44, 60 and 66 additional students joined the program respectively. Today, nearly 190 outstanding students from 60+ provinces across Turkey study at Koç University as Anadolu Scholarship Students.

For more information http://anadolubursiyerleri.ku.edu.tr

Graduate Fellowships

PhD Scholarships in Social Sciences

The PhD Super Scholarship Program in Social Sciences was established with the support of three Koç Group Companies, Aygaz, Demir Export and Tüpraş. In its first year the scholarships were awarded to six outstanding PhD students in Social Sciences and Humanities. In its second and third years the Program awarded seven additional doctoral students each year. As of May 2014, the total number of students benefitting from the Program has reached 18.

In order to support the PhD Super Scholarship Program in Social Sciences, donors contribute an amount of 20,000 USD on an annual basis, which cover, housing on campus, insurance fees and a competitive monthly stipend. The existing corporate donors of the Program are expected to support two new PhD Students each year. The PhD Super Scholarship Fund also support students by covering their expenses for participating in academic conferences.

Koç University aims to optimize the utilization of existing funds as well as increasing the resources allocated for PhD Scholarships in Social Sciences, by expanding the donor base and facilitating donor-fellow relationships at personal, professional and institutional levels.