Koç University School of Medicine has been established with the aim of introducing a new and different perspective to medical education in Turkey. It intends to become an educational and medical institution with universal standards, which prioritises researching, generating knowledge, and serving to the public health with its distinguished teaching staff and aims to train the prospective leaders in medicine. The medium of instruction is English.

The first three years of medical education is provided in the Rumelifeneri Campus and in the following years, mainly clinical-based education will be given at the Teaching and Research Hospital of Koç University, the construction of which will be completed shortly. In addition, the students will be provided with the opportunity and encouraged to participate in researches in various laboratories and clinics of the University.

Koç University School of Medicine provides six years of medical education, excluding English preparatory year.. Courses and seminars related to medicine will be included in the first year in addition to the core education program of the University. Starting with the second and third years, basic medical courses, preliminary clinical medicine courses and basic-clinical bridge topics are provided with an integrated program. In the fourth and fifth years, our students work on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases through internship training program. In the sixth year, as pre-graduate interns, they will undertake duties and responsibilities, under supervision, in the care of patients and thus complete their training.

Admission Requirements: Koç University School of Medicine admits 40 students based on the MF-3 scores acquired in the 2011 University Entrance Examination and gives full-scholarships to 50% of these students and half-scholarships to the remaining 50%.