The purpose of research programs at Koç University is to make qualified and genuine contributions to universal science and to positively influence the intellectual, technological, economic and social development of Turkey. The academic members recognize the value of interdisciplinary collaboration and work as a team while also sustaining their independent research.

The fact that Koç University ranks among the top research universities in Turkey regarding the number of articles per academic member is an indicator of the importance attached to research, as well as the success of academic members and research programs. Koç University works in collaboration with national and international public and private institutions (universities, European Commission, public agencies, research and development agencies, business world, and industrial corporations) for miscellaneous research projects.

Research is carried out by our academic members in the College of Engineering (CE), College of Sciences (CS), College of Social Sciences and Humanities (CSSH), College of Administrative Sciences and Economics (CASE), Law School, and School of Medicine (SOM). Undergraduate students have the opportunity to work with academic members for research projects in their special fields of interest and they are educated to be creative individuals with good research skills. 95% of our faculty members have received their PhD degrees from the top universities of Europe and US. Most of them worked as faculty members in leading American and European universities before coming to Koç University. The number of publications per faculty member atKoç University is one of the highest amongst other Turkish universities. 11 faculty members are principal, 1 faculty member is emeriti and 4 faculty members are associate members of The Turkish Academy of Sciences. As of 2012, 12 faculty members received TÜBİTAK Science Award, 1 received TÜBİTAK Special Award, 25 received TÜBİTAK Encouragement Award, 3 received TÜBA Encouragement Award and 41 received TÜBA GEBİP Award.

Koç University has established a variety of research centers for the purpose of conducting scientific and application studies in specific fields, to propose policies, and to convey academic knowledge to society in social, economic and legal fields. Apart from these, Koç University has 104 laboratories, varying in number depending on the departments at the Rumeli Feneri Campus and at the School of Nursing.

  • Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (RCAC)
  • Globalization and Democratic Governance (GLODEM)
  • Koç University Research and Application Center For Gender and Women’s Studies (KOÇ-KAM)
  • Migration Research Center at Koç University (MIREKOC)
  • Dr. Nüsret-Semahat Arsel International Trade Law Application and Research Center
  • Social Policy Application and Research Center
  • Surface Technologies Research Center
  • TÜPRAŞ Energy Center (KÜTEM)